School Best Practices

School Best Practices

Best practices for the students

  • Class Library

    Reading is the most fundamental skill the child ever learns. Without a good reading back ground a child is virtually lost, for it is on this that a major portion of his/her future success depends. To encourage and enhance the reading skills in children apart from the regular library period, children along with their teachers create their own class library. Whenever a child finishes his/her assigned work he/she is free to take the book from the class library and can read sitting in any corner of the classroom.

  • Portfolio of Every Child

    The portfolio is a file having the student’s continuous overall performance details from the year the students join the school until he/she leaves. It is a gateway through which the class teacher knows a student better. It gives complete information regarding the student’s overall performance throughout the years of the school.

  • Remedial / Enrichment Sessions

    To reduce the gap between the low achievers and high achievers extra practice classes are conducted to help the students with their concepts and make improvement in academics. The plan is shared with the parents during PTM and detail discussion for the student’s development is done. A fixed schedule for the extra classes is shared.

  • Class of the Month

    • Cleanliness trophy is a rotating trophy given each month to that section of the school in appreciation of maintaining cleanliness in the classroom and in and around the school premise.

    • Healthy Trophy is a rotating trophy given each month to that section of the school that has maximum number of students present for that month.

    • Readers Trophy is a rotating trophy given each month to that section of the school which has read maximum number of books from the school library and have submitted the review of the books read.

  • Scholastic Awards

    • Scholar Badge is given to the students based on their overall annual result. The scholars are awarded with a badge and a certificate in the scholar badge ceremony.

    • Potential Scholar award is given to the students who have missed the periodic assessment due to late admission yet fulfil the criteria for scholar badge.

    • Subject proficiency award is given to the students if they are the highest scorers in a particular subject.

    • Star performer trophy is awarded to the student who has performed excellently in academics, sports and co-curricular activities.

    • Remarkable improvement certificate is given to the students who have shown remarkable improvement in a particular subject. It acts as an appreciation and motivation for the students to work harder.

    • Scholar blue tie is given to the students who are the recipient of scholar badges for 3 consecutive years.

    • Scholar blue blazer is given to the students who are the recipient of the scholar badges for 6 consecutive years.